
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Transfer Pricing in International Business: A Management Tool for Adding Value

Cyprus; Consultant; Geoff Turner is Interim Chief Financial Of_ cer for NeuroLogix Security Inc., and Managing Director of iProcess AG, a Swiss-based firm offering advisory services for organizational development initiatives in the area of Strategic, P

Quantitative Methods for Business and Economics

This book provides a brief yet rigorous introduction to various quantitative methods used in economic decision-making. It has no prerequisites other than high school algebra. The book begins with matrix algebra and calculus, which are then used in the book's core modes. Once the reader grasps matrix theory and calculus, the quantitative models can be understood easily, and for each model there are many solved examples related to business and economic applications.

Extending the Dance in Infant and Toddler Caregiving: Enhancing Attachment and Relationships

'Wisely and beautifully shows how depth, quality, and continuity of relationship with babies makes us better 'dancers.' These authors know where school readiness really begins.' (J. Ronald Lally, Ed.D.)